Book Review: Judy in Disguise: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 1

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

She wants her history to stay hidden…
…He’s trying to break free of his past.
But as they reveal themselves to each other, can they carry out their covert mission?

Judy Larkin has been shy to show her true self ever since the worst day of her life. Which makes her the perfect target for her Simon Legree wannabe boss. He knows the right buttons to push, making noncompliance next to impossible. But is she really the type of person to do this kind of thing?

Especially with the boss’s preppy nephew?

Geoff Spooner has let himself be manipulated for too long, but coming out from under his uncle’s thumb will cost him. Is he willing to pay the price? Could be this last demand will be the straw that breaks him free.

What will he lose in the bargain? His self-respect?

It’s 1972 in Kokomo, Indiana. Join Judy and Geoff in this quirky misadventure as they go undercover to discover who they really are, what the cardinal in the sycamore has to say, and what they are truly equipped to do.

You will love this sweet, clean tale inspired by the song “Judy in Disguise” because everyone roots for the underdog.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Purchased from Amazon

Leslie’s Review: 5 Stars/A Favorite of 2023!

Jennifer Lynn Cary’s books are quickly becoming a safe place for me and escaping into the world of Kokomo, Indiana in the 1970s is a treat! I know that whenever I escape into Ms. Cary’s writing it will be a world of meeting new friends and reuniting with old ones, being wrapped up in a good story, not blushing at the content, and being Encouraged by the story. This is what happened with Judy in Disguise. Judy in Disguise is the first book in Jennifer Lynn Cary’s The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series and the only one in that series that I have not read so far. Judy in Disguise tells the story of Judy who is secretly a part-time newspaper writer, who wants to write full time but works for Wedding Dresses and More who competes for business with The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue, and Geoff, who is also secretly working part-time as a newspaper writer while also working at Wedding Dresses and More that his Uncle Andy owns. While Judy and Geoff initially don’t like each other, they seem to have a lot in common: Their mutual disdain for Geoff’s Uncle Andy, their secret newspaper jobs (that no one knows about), and scars from traumatic instances. Threatened by Uncle Andy to go undercover as an engaged couple to get The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue out of business, Geoff and Judy’s undercover assignment doesn’t go how either one had planned, but both got out of it more than each other one thought they would, while still trying to do the right thing.

Every time I read a Jennifer Lynn Cary story I know that it will have a powerful lesson with an uplifting message and Judy in Disguise is no different. I love being transported again to the 1970s and Kokomo, Indiana! I love meeting Judy and Geoff reading this fun read about them in Judy in Disguise! What I love the most about Judy and Geoff’s predicament is it wasn’t the typical fake engagement stories that you typically read or see in a movie, it was a forced fake engagement that was imposed on Judy and Geoff. I love that Geoff and Judy had so much in common and loved their quirks! I love how independent their lives were and yet many of their experiences (i.e. traumatic experiences and writing jobs) paralleled. I sympathized with Judy and Geoff and the traumatic things that they went through when they were young. I love how the theme of truly being seen is woven through the entire story from beginning to end. If you are looking for a great escape and a fun read, then I highly recommend Judy in Disguise by Jennifer Lynn Cary!

Have you read Judy in Disguise? What did you think of the book? What do think of the The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series? Do you have a favorite book or couple so far? (All of them are my favorite!)

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude Journal.






More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Cracklin’ Rosie: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 4

Cheryl’s Going Home: A Weather Girls Novel

Runaround Sue: The Weather Girls Wedding and Venue Shoppe Book 3

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set

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