Book Review Policy


To write at least 2-4 book reviews a month—as much as my schedule allows. My plan is to write an even number of book reviews geared toward children’s books and book reviews geared toward adults throughout the year.

My Favorite Genres:

-Christian Fiction:

Christian Suspense

Christian Historical Fiction (especially 1800s-1970s)

Time-Slip Novels

Amish Fiction


Clean Cozy Mystery

-Christian Children’s Books:

Children’s Christian Fiction


Bible Studies/ Devotionals

Christian Living

Royal History

Disability History

Titanic History

Review Policy:

I welcome requests for book reviews. Please contact me if you believe your book meets my taste criteria noted above. If I agree to do a book review for you I will:

-Do my best to offer a honest book review.

-Post my review on Goodreads and Leslie’s Library Escape

Where I Post/Share Book Reviews:


-NetGalley (when applicable)

Leslie’s Library Escape

Kid’s Ministry with Ms. Leslie Facebook Group (when applicable)

My Rating System:

5 Stars-Top favorite of the year and one I highly recommend

4 Stars-Really, really loved it and I recommend it

3 Stars-Liked it

2 Stars-Didn’t like it, but it may be your cup of tea

1 Star-Wouldn’t recommend it

Who I Review For:


New Growth Press

100 Book ReviewsReviews PublishedProfessional Reader