
Book Review: Ronnie: A Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 5

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

She’s literally stuck in her engagement. He’s trying to keep her there. But when you take the couple out of Texas, is the romance lost?

Ronnie Webb has broken her engagement to the love of her life, Carlos (Cal) Garcia, or would have if the stupid ring would come off her finger.

To find the space to get over him and the rest of what is going wrong in her life, she leaves her dad’s Texas ranch to visit her aunt and family in Kokomo, Indiana.

But hanging out with the Weather Girls, especially with their cardinal in the sycamore legend sending out strong vibes, Ronnie’s love life may not be as dead as she thinks.

Carlitos can’t believe the letter Ronnie left him right before Christmas—his last one at home before his enlistment starts. However, his broken wrist might just be the break he needs to get Ronnie back before it’s too late.

But what does this native Texan know about mid-western Hoosier romance?

And can he learn, or is this the end?

Ronnie: A Sweet, Quirky Romantic Yarn is book five in the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series. Inspired by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons’ 1960’s song of the name, this charming tale with a bit of western influence finishes off 1972 and brings you into the New Year in Kokomo, Indiana.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Leslie’s Review: 4.5 Stars/I More Than Love It!!!

Jennifer Lynn Cary adds spice and flair with her latest release, Ronnie. Ronnie reintroduces readers to a character they met while reading Cheryl’s Coming Home—Cheryl’s niece Ronnie. Visiting for the holidays with her family, Ronnie ends up staying in Kokomo, Indiana in order to help out her cousins at their Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue store after she breaks off her engagement—by way of a letter—to childhood best friend Carlitos, whom Ronnie affectionately calls “Cal”. Cal, a recent army enlister, drives to Kokomo at his first opportunity to figure out how the broken engagement happened and to try to win Ronnie back. When Cal gets to Kokomo, Ronnie refuses to get back with him. As Cal realizes the real reason for the broken engagement, Cal decides to use his weeks of medical leave from the Army due to an injury to stay in Kokomo to win Ronnie back (and get better). When Ronnie learns of Cal’s plan, Ronnie is having none of it, and Cal realizes he has his work cut out for him.

I was excited to hear that Jennifer Lynn Cary was creating Ronnie and giving a character from Cheryl’s Coming Home their own story. I fell in love with the story of Ronnie and the character Ronnie. I thought Ronnie was spicy and a spitfire when it came to Cal! I thought that the episode with her engagement ring was hilarious! (Read Ronnie for the full story!) My heart hurt for Ronnie and I fully respected and understood why she broke off the engagement. I respected Cal for not giving up on Ronnie and giving her the space she needed to work things out, and in a way, sticking it out with her. I felt that being in Kokomo and working with her Weather Girl Cousins at the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue was therapeutic for Ronnie and helped strengthen her and strengthen her relationship with God. I love the lessons Ronnie learns about God, trust, and fear because I needed that reminder too. I felt that Cal was a gentleman throughout the book and that he grew in the Lord and as a person during his time in Kokomo. I believe that what both Cal and Ronnie learned helped them to reconcile and move forward. I also love that you got a little taste of Texas in Ronnie too. Ronnie was such a delight to read with powerful lesson! If you are looking for a fun escape that has a powerful lesson, then I highly recommend Ronnie by Jennifer Lynn Cary! I can’t wait to see what Ms. Cary creates next!

Have you read Ronnie? What did you think of the book? What other books in the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series have you read?

I would like to thank Jennifer Lynn Cary for giving me a copy of Ronnie to review, for letting me be on the Launch Team, and supplying the information I needed for this post. I enjoyed being on the Launch Team! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude Journal.

Website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Cracklin’ Rosie: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 4

Runaround Sue: The Weather Girls Wedding and Venue Shoppe Book 3

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

Judy in Disguise: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 1

Cheryl’s Going Home: A Weather Girls Novel

The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set


Book Review: Judy in Disguise: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 1

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

She wants her history to stay hidden…
…He’s trying to break free of his past.
But as they reveal themselves to each other, can they carry out their covert mission?

Judy Larkin has been shy to show her true self ever since the worst day of her life. Which makes her the perfect target for her Simon Legree wannabe boss. He knows the right buttons to push, making noncompliance next to impossible. But is she really the type of person to do this kind of thing?

Especially with the boss’s preppy nephew?

Geoff Spooner has let himself be manipulated for too long, but coming out from under his uncle’s thumb will cost him. Is he willing to pay the price? Could be this last demand will be the straw that breaks him free.

What will he lose in the bargain? His self-respect?

It’s 1972 in Kokomo, Indiana. Join Judy and Geoff in this quirky misadventure as they go undercover to discover who they really are, what the cardinal in the sycamore has to say, and what they are truly equipped to do.

You will love this sweet, clean tale inspired by the song “Judy in Disguise” because everyone roots for the underdog.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Purchased from Amazon

Leslie’s Review: 5 Stars/A Favorite of 2023!

Jennifer Lynn Cary’s books are quickly becoming a safe place for me and escaping into the world of Kokomo, Indiana in the 1970s is a treat! I know that whenever I escape into Ms. Cary’s writing it will be a world of meeting new friends and reuniting with old ones, being wrapped up in a good story, not blushing at the content, and being Encouraged by the story. This is what happened with Judy in Disguise. Judy in Disguise is the first book in Jennifer Lynn Cary’s The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series and the only one in that series that I have not read so far. Judy in Disguise tells the story of Judy who is secretly a part-time newspaper writer, who wants to write full time but works for Wedding Dresses and More who competes for business with The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue, and Geoff, who is also secretly working part-time as a newspaper writer while also working at Wedding Dresses and More that his Uncle Andy owns. While Judy and Geoff initially don’t like each other, they seem to have a lot in common: Their mutual disdain for Geoff’s Uncle Andy, their secret newspaper jobs (that no one knows about), and scars from traumatic instances. Threatened by Uncle Andy to go undercover as an engaged couple to get The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue out of business, Geoff and Judy’s undercover assignment doesn’t go how either one had planned, but both got out of it more than each other one thought they would, while still trying to do the right thing.

Every time I read a Jennifer Lynn Cary story I know that it will have a powerful lesson with an uplifting message and Judy in Disguise is no different. I love being transported again to the 1970s and Kokomo, Indiana! I love meeting Judy and Geoff reading this fun read about them in Judy in Disguise! What I love the most about Judy and Geoff’s predicament is it wasn’t the typical fake engagement stories that you typically read or see in a movie, it was a forced fake engagement that was imposed on Judy and Geoff. I love that Geoff and Judy had so much in common and loved their quirks! I love how independent their lives were and yet many of their experiences (i.e. traumatic experiences and writing jobs) paralleled. I sympathized with Judy and Geoff and the traumatic things that they went through when they were young. I love how the theme of truly being seen is woven through the entire story from beginning to end. If you are looking for a great escape and a fun read, then I highly recommend Judy in Disguise by Jennifer Lynn Cary!

Have you read Judy in Disguise? What did you think of the book? What do think of the The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series? Do you have a favorite book or couple so far? (All of them are my favorite!)

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude Journal.

Website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Cracklin’ Rosie: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 4

Cheryl’s Going Home: A Weather Girls Novel

Runaround Sue: The Weather Girls Wedding and Venue Shoppe Book 3

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set


Book Review: Cracklin’ Rosie: The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue Book 4

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

She’s a strong-willed chiropractor. He’s an old-fashioned MD. Sparks fly—but will they burn them or make them sizzle?

When Rose Crackinbush D.C. sets up her modern (for the 1970s) practice in a new town, heaven help anyone who thinks chiropractors aren’t legitimate doctors.  Those naysayers will eat their words. Or she might make them cookies—she can be nice.

And if she can keep her temper about the town’s Jokester MD, she might win some new patients.

But this MD isn’t just a jokester. A dedicated family doctor, Brett Shoffner uses humor to help heal his patients. Only it seems newly-arrived lady chiropractors aren’t ready for his quips — no matter how pretty and smart they are. This specific lady chiropractor, not the quips.

Life would be so much easier for these two if they could avoid each other. But fate keeps throwing them together. Can they see beyond the symptoms and diagnose the real reasons behind their push-pull attraction?

And if so, will they choose the best cure?

Welcome back to 1972 Kokomo, Indiana in Cracklin’ Rosie, the fourth installment of the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series, where the Great Physician can adjust callings and purposes in ways never imagined.

You will enjoy Cracklin’ Rosie, a sweet, clean romcom inspired by Neil Diamond’s 1960’s song of the same title, because everyone knows that the plans we make don’t always end up as we thought they would.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Leslie’s Review: 4.5 Stars/I More Than Love It!

Cracklin’ Rosie by Jennifer Lynn Cary is my kind of book! Cracklin’ Rosie is the fourth book in Ms. Cary’s The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series telling the story of Dr. Rose Crackinbush, DC a young woman who is trying to forge a path following in her grandfather’s footsteps becoming a Chiropractor in a man’s world in the 1970s (and could care less about having a man in her life ever) and Dr. Brett Shoffner, MD, who has is mind made up about the way things should be until Rose comes along and causes him to reevaluate his way of thinking. Being thrown together at a Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting (VFW), Drs. Crackinbush and Shoffner work together begrudgingly to let Kokomo area Veterans know about the VFW’s programs. Not only is Dr. Shoffner’s views being evaluated, but Dr. Crackinbush’s as well–especially when they learn that they have more in common than just the VFW and their paths cross a lot more. Sparks fly from the onset, and not the good kind, until both unravel the true core of who God means for them to be was not what either had ever saw themselves, but one God intended them to be all along.

I love the characters that Jennifer Lynn Cary creates and how well the couples compliment each other and the characters of Rose Crackinbush and Brett Shoffner in Cracklin’ Rosie are no different. Rose is a spitfire and Brett is her equal and equally as independent that they butt heads from the get-go, which I absolutely love. I love how Brett and Rose’s relationship was paced in the book and their interactions with each other. I sympathized with Rose’s quest to be taken seriously and be independent of the social norms society tries to put on her, because I go through the same thing. I love learning a little bit about the Chiropractor world and how it was in the 1970s as well as American Medical Association (AMA). I love how both Rose’s and Brett’s stories were explored and the depth of Brett’s story and all that he had been through was a surprise to the story for me.  I appreciated the character of Brett Shoffner and the journey he went on in the book and how introspective he became with not only what God was revealing to him, but revelations about what he thought of his life was. To me, it seemed that some important events of what Brett and Rose went through in the book happened off page (like the conversation that Brett had with his mom about the events that led to him becoming a doctor) and I would have liked more of it in the story (but that’s a personal preference and does not deter from the story). I also love the theme verse of the book, Romans 8:27-28, and how it’s message was woven throughout the book and how Rose and Brett learned what the verse meant for both of them and their lives. I love traveling back to Kokomo again and going to all the hang outs (and I wish the prices were still the same today)! If you are looking for an uplifting escape with purpose, then I highly recommend Cracklin’ Rosie by Jennifer Lynn Cary!

I would like to thank Jennifer Lynn Cary for giving me a copy of Cracklin’ Rosie to review and for letting me be a part of her Launch Team once again. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude JournalCracklin’ Rosie is the fourth book of her spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.

Website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Cheryl’s Going Home: A Weather Girls Novel

Runaround Sue: The Weather Girls Wedding and Venue Shoppe Book 3

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set

Book Review: Cheryl’s Going Home: A Weather Girls Novel

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Her big mistakes cost her everything she loved…

…The pain she caused left her nothing, not even her pride

But could there still be a way to truly go home?

Cheryl Ann Day had once been a rising star in Hollywood. That is before life overwhelmed her, and she discarded everything. But she’s taken the chance, returned to Kokomo, and now her family doesn’t hate her so much.

Maybe they like her a little. Some days.

But can she ever really be a part of their lives?

Aaron Day made the difficult decision to let his mother raise his daughters halfway across the country from him when Cheryl abandoned her movie career. Their girls. Him. It made sense at the time. But what did he lose in the bargain? But now that his wife has returned, can he forgive her? Or even trust her again?

And if he did, just how bad a beating would his heart take this time?

Return to 1972 Kokomo, Indiana and the Weather Girls to see how Sunny, Stormy, and Windy’s parents find a second chance—and if they can make this gift of opportunity work.

You will fall in love with Cheryl’s Going Home, because to be accepted and loved is the true essence of home.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Kindle Unlimited, then purchased on Amazon

Leslie’s Review: 5 Stars/A Favorite of 2023

Reading The Weather Girls series by Jennifer Lynn Cary, I always wondered what happened to Cheryl–Sunny, Stormy, and Windy Day’s Mother. Well, that question is answered in the book Cheryl’s Going Home. Many years after abandoning her family, Cheryl returns to Kokomo, Indiana and her family. Cheryl knows it’s not an easy road to reconciliation with her family, but she is willing to give it all she has – – slowly, one step at the time. As she takes baby steps toward reconciliation, Cheryl pulls back the layers and shows her family the real reasons for why she left. Through the process, the Day Family becomes whole again.

Very few books talk about reconciliation and sticking together in marriage no matter what and Cheryl’s Going Home is one of those few. I appreciated hearing Cheryl‘s true story about what happened while she was away. Reading Cheryl’s story made me sympathize with her struggles of depression, anxiety, various forms of abuse, and my heart went out to her as she tried to find ways to handle it while shielding her family from it all. I love seeing Cheryl‘s growth in Christ and the process it took her to walk in the Freedom of Christ. The way Cheryl sets up constraints and boundaries to keep her close to God and toward reconciliation with her family stays at the heart of her character and is beautiful to see. I love seeing the full character of Aaron Day. I appreciate how he cautiously cherished Cheryl despite the disappearance and miles between them. I felt that their relationship came together organically in the book and was paced in the book so it wasn’t rushed. I love how Cheryl and Aaron respected each other and their boundaries as well as the boundaries their children needed. I love how Cheryl also pays it forward, so to speak, by mentoring young Bridget, which in turn brings Cheryl a few full circle moments. If you are looking for a book that wraps you up in the Redeeming Love of Christ and the Hope of reconciliation, then I highly recommend Cheryl’s Goes Home by Jennifer Lynn Cary! It’s a wonderful addition to The Weather Girls Series!

Have you read Cheryl’s Goes Home? What did you think of the book? What other books of Jennifer Lynn Cary’s have you read?

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, and it’s spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude Journal.

Website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Runaround Sue: The Weather Girls Wedding and Venue Shoppe Book 3

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set

Book Review: Runaround Sue: The Weather Girls Wedding and Venue Shoppe Book 3

Picture Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Sue is hiding out until she is sure her former reputation won’t destroy what she’s trying to rebuild. Unfortunately, that means this brilliant wordsmith turned semi-hermit is working beneath her potential and dealing with stress every time her office door opens.

The last thing she needs to do is greet some biker guy who sets her nerves to jumping just by being in the same room. And if his hairy face isn’t enough to put her off, the mere fact that he’s male is.

So why does she keep ending up in his presence?

Mac is home from Viet Nam and if he never thinks about that place again, it will be too soon. Instead he’s returned to his music that got him through his teen years, his exotic senior trip overseas (thanks to his Uncle Sam), and the deep wound that he brought home with him. Using his GI bill to further his music understanding has pushed him outside his comfort zone, but the leggy secretary at his professor’s office is tempting him with other ideas he thought he’d shelved for good.

Even if she gets flustered every time he runs into her.

What will it take for her to give him a chance? Or is she more wounded than he is?

Return to 1972 Kokomo, Indiana for the third installment of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series—Runaround Sue—and what happens when people discover who God has called them to be.

You will love Runaround Sue, inspired by Dion and the Belmonts’ 1960s hit song, because everyone understands about facing fears with a do-over.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Leslie’s Review: 5 Stars/A Favorite of 2023!

I love being transported to the 1970s and traveling back to Kokomo, Indiana to the world Jennifer Lynn Cary has created and I got a chance to visit again through Ms. Cary’s latest book, Runaround Sue. Runaround Sue is the third story of Cary’s The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series that tells the story of Sue, the new secretary of Wabash Congregational Church and “Mac”, a Vet who served in Vietnam and has returned home after losing his foot. Sue is a very intelligent woman with a college education and multiple degrees, who after her mother dies, puts herself out there to go dating and gets an unsavory reputation, regardless of whether or not it’s true, and is forced to move away from home and start over. Mac, whose name is actually Peter, is adjusting to life after returning from War and doing his best not to let his new disability stop him–especially when it comes to riding his motorcycle and continue his education. Sue and Mac meet at Wabash Congregational Church when Mac comes by to meet up with Professor Aaron Day (Aaron Day is a character from Ms. Cary’s The Weather Girls series and his daughters also make an appearance) about his music final. Both want to continue to move forward with their lives and in the process their fondness for one another grows–despite grappling with who they were in the past and who they are coming to be now while learning to embrace God and the plan He has for each of them.

I can’t say enough how much I love traveling back to Kokomo, Indiana! Being introduced to Sue and Mac was a treat and seeing Aaron Day and his “Weather Girls” made the visit that much sweeter. I appreciated Sue and Mac and what they went through. I could relate to Sue and what she went through and how she handled things and the reasoning behind the things she did, because I have been there (at least with eating habits). My heart went out to Mac and I could only imagine the adjustments he had to make on all spheres of life–mentally physically, and spiritually–returning from War. I thought the struggles that Sue had reconciling who she was and is and what the Bible says she is was extremely relatable and authentic. I love seeing the journey of Sue’s transformation though out the book as well as the growth in Mac. I also love the how the characters of Rachel and Smitty are intertwined within the storyline that Ms. Cary has created and how she paced the story out in regard to their connections to Sue and Mac. I never appreciated how real Kokomo actually is until now and how Jennifer Lynn Cary sprinkles real places within her books like she did with Runaround Sue. Having degrees in Journalism and History myself, I loved learning about Elwood Haynes and the museum that bares his name (I even Googled it to learn more) and how Ms. Cary weaved it into Runaround Sue. I also love the life nuggets and Biblical Wisdom sprinkled all through out. (I even highlighted ones that ministered to me.) I love seeing the appearance of the cardinal again and how the symbolism pops up in Runaround Sue! If you are looking forward to a sweet, quirky read full of Biblical Truth that leaves a impact on you as a reader, then I highly recommend Runaround Sue by Jennifer Lynn Cary! I’m looking forward to seeing if the cardinal pops up again in any of Ms. Cary’s future writing…

Have you read Runaround Sue? What did you think of the book? What other books of Jennifer Lynn Cary’s have you read?

I would like to thank Jennifer Lynn Cary for giving me a copy of Runaround Sue to review and letting me be a part of her Launch Team. It’s been a joy to work with Ms. Cary again. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude JournalRunaround Sue is the third book of her spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.

website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set

Book Review: The Weather Girls: The Complete Kindle Box Set

Image Curtesy of Amazon

Synopsis from Amazon:

Their names inspired rock hits of the 1960s.

. . . And brought them plenty of teasing.

But could these songs predict their future?

Sunny, Stormy, and Windy Day had enough on their plates without being abandoned by their mother. However, if what they were called did anything, it made them stronger.

Check out these three stories, now available in one download.

Book One – Sunny
She got stood up on Valentine’s Day…
…Then she lost her job
Could the legend of the cardinal change her luck?

With a disposition as bright as her name, Sunny shakes off the worst day of her life and makes a new start. She’s got the brains that it takes, but she’s more than a little scared. It’s not just her reputation on the line.

Would this cockeyed adventure be the thing her siblings needed too?

Pat only wants peace in the family and never dreamed doing a favor for his sister could drop him into so much hot water. Torn between what he’s always wanted and what is staring him in the face, someone is bound to get hurt.

Odds are it will be him.

But then, only the cardinal knows for sure.

Return to 1970 Indiana with Sunny, the first book in The Weather Girls series for the miniskirts, bell-bottoms, and Christian family values.

You’ll love Sunny for the music, the fashions, and the hilarious antics, because who can resist a romantic trip down memory lane?

Book Two – Stormy
She doesn’t want to talk about it…
…He has no idea what he said.
Will these two ever learn to communicate?

Stormy is usually a people person but when her temper flares, it’s obvious she was aptly named. And now her ire has been piqued. Watch out world.

All but the cardinal is giving her space.

Rob is usually the smartest guy in the room, but when he forgot to think about his words, he turned loose a tornado. Now he’s dealing with the aftermath and praying there’s still enough love to save amidst the debris.

How can he convince Stormy they belong together? Or will this be the perfect moment for another person to step in?

And will the cardinal in the sycamore tree prove his case?

Return to 1970 Indiana with Stormy, the second book in The Weather Girls series for Women’s Lib, drive-ins, and Christian family values.

You will enjoy Stormy because everyone knows that sometimes you’ve just got to shake things up a bit.

Book Three – Windy
She grew up without a mother…
…but her little one wouldn’t.
Can the cardinal help her find true love?

Her family thinks Windy is a flighty accident waiting to happen. But with more at stake than herself, she needs to put her creativity to the test and prove them wrong.

Is there such a thing as too much independence?

Kris is a private man of few words, but somehow Windy broke through his defenses. He’d like to be more than a friend, but that would mean revealing his secret. Will he trust Windy with what he’s kept hidden? And if he does, will she view him as someone worth building a life with?

Only the cardinal can say for sure.

Return to 1970 Indiana with Windy, the third book in The Weather Girls series for some peace, love, and Christian family values.

You will love Windy, the final book in The Weather Girls trilogy, because everyone knows the sweetest love is the one we wait for.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Leslie’s Review: 5 Stars/A Favorite of 2023


Sunny, the first book of The Weather Girls Series by Jennifer Lynn Cary is set in the 1970s. Sunny tells the story of Sunny Day, the oldest Day daughter.  At the beginning of the story Sunny has her dream job and the life she has always seemed to want.  That is, until the man she is dating doesn’t show up for Valentine’s Day and his wife shows up at her workplace, getting Sunny fired.  Embarrassed by not knowing the guy she has been dating was a married man and getting fired for it, Sunny does the only thing she knows to do—run home to Gramma’s house and figure out what she is supposed to do.  Not long after staying with her Gramma, she agrees to buy a friend’s house and start a wedding venue business.  As the business gets started, both of Sunny’s sisters-Stormy and Windy—also return to Gramma’s house as well, but for their own reasons and to get into business with Sunny.  As the sisters—or The Weather Girls as they end up calling themselves—start to get the business up and  running, a man named Pat shows up trying to get the business for his sister, who unbeknownst to everyone has ties to Sunny’s “ex-boyfriend”.  Instead of buying the business, Pat ends up helping Sunny getting her business ready to open and in the process, falling for her and Sunny for him.

I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to Jennifer Lynn Cary’s work and Sunny did not disappoint!  I love being transported to the 1970s by Ms. Cary and often found myself either smiling ear-to-ear or chuckling at the Day Family antics.  I sympathized with all of The Weather Girls and what they were going through, as well as Pat.  I love how Gramma kept everyone grounded and kept Family and Faith at the center of the Day Family.  I love the story of the meaning of the cardinal and how it signals true love.  I love how the story of Sunny had some closure in it and that the characters were real and relatable, but that not everything was tied up in a bow to allow for future stories.


Stormy is the next wonderful book in The Weather Girls Series by Jennifer Lynn Cary and picks up right where Sunny leaves off. Set in the 1970s once more, Stormy delves into Stormy’s life and her strained relationship with her husband Rob and the events surrounding her leaving Rob on a whim after a misunderstanding, putting her money into Sunny’s business and working for her. Stormy is the middle sister in the Day Family and the only one at this point in the series that is married.  If her life isn’t complicated enough, Rob and Stormy are constantly having to deal with a most annoying woman, Glenda, who is making their lives miserable and is trying to tear Rob and Stormy apart indefinitely.

I love the life layers that Ms. Cary brought out in Stormy.  I love how the characters are written.  I love the personality of Stormy and admire the patience of Rob as he tries to woo his wife back.  The character of Glenda brought a unique element to the story.  I felt as annoyed with Glenda as Rob and Stormy were!  I appreciated the struggles that Stormy had and how real they were written.  The way  Stormy struggled with truths that were being revealed to her—both about herself and others—and turning things over to God were extremely relatable to me.  I love like with Sunny, Stormy, was real with it’s characters, but not everything was tied up in a little bow, but allowed enough closure for Stormy’s story, but also for the Day Family story to continue.


Windy, the third installment in The Weather Girls series, is another great read by Jennifer Lynn Cary! Windy picks up right where Stormy leaves off and focuses on the youngest daughter in the Day Family, Windy June Day. Windy, a new (unwed) mother tries to take on the world and do everything on her own to prove herself to everyone that she can take care of herself and her daughter, Heather. As Windy is settling into life with Heather, Windy’s friendship with handyman, Kris starts to blossom into something more. Before Windy and Kris’ relationship takes flight, it slows down a bit when Windy’s long-lost Mother, Cheryl, returns and Heather’s Father shows up not long after.

From the get-go, Ms. Cary writes the characters of Windy and Kris as two individuals that are made for one another, without each other realizing it at first. Kris and Windy are, I feel, seen by others as people that don’t have it all together and need extra help because of past decisions and their outcomes. I think, its because of this, that Windy and Kris are drawn to one another and get one another so well and have an understanding. I love that Windy sticks to her wits and does Motherhood her way. The way that Kris and Heather bond throughout the book is precious. Also, I believe the things that are thrown at the couple–Windy’s family situation and the return of Heather’s father, illness, and Kris’ own family problems–bring the couple closer together and strengthen their bond with Heather and their relationship with Jesus. Windy, like Sunny and Stormy, has realistic characters and storylines that are handled in a way that it brings enough closure, but there is enough substance to the story to write even more about the characters in the future.

The Weather Girls:  The Complete Kindle Box Set As a Whole

I love how Jennifer Lynn Cary transports me to the 1970s! This is my second book to read by Jennifer Lynn Cary, but it is one of many that I intend to read by Ms. Cary. I really love reading this box set, because I love how the stories of Sunny, Stormy, and Windy just flowed one right into another and picked up right where the previous one left off without too much repetition of the previous stories. I love the bond that Sunny, Stormy, and Windy have and the relationship that they have with their Gramma. I also love how Gramma always had cookies and milk on hand and wished I could partake of the baked goods! I love the thread in all the books of how the girls’ Father came up with their names. I love how each of the respective couples complement each other well and how each of the men in the book love and respect their Weather Girl for who they are and that each of the Day Sisters love and respect the Man in their life for who they are as well. I love how each story has real characters and relatable situations, and that each story’s Message is that God is with the Day Family whatever they go through and helping them through it. If you are looking for an encouraging read that deals with real life and reminds the reader and it’s characters to turn to Jesus, then I highly recommend The Weather Girls:  The Complete Kindle Box Set by Jennifer Lynn Cary!

Have you read The Weather Girls series? What did you think of it? Do you have a favorite story in the series?

I would like to thank Jennifer Lynn Cary for giving me a copy of The Weather Girls:  The Complete Kindle Box Set to read (just for fun!) and for help with gathering information for this blog post. Her encouragement for me in the blogging world has meant a lot to me. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude JournalSylvia’s Mother is the second book of her spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.

website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

More from Jennifer Lynn Cary:

Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

Book Review: Sylvia’s Mother: Book Two of the of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Synopsis from Amazon:

She’s an overprotective single mother…

…He’s a former protector who can’t give up the role.

But who will guard their hearts from scheming high school matchmakers?

Eileen Avery is determined her daughter Sylvia won’t experience the heartaches she did. Even if it means taking parenting lessons from her mother, the dragon lady. But she is not like her mother. Not even remotely.

If only Sylvia could see that.
However, the girl wants independence. How much is a good thing? And how much is too risky?

Besides, Sylvia is in love and needs a little freedom. It’s not like she’s about to run away to a commune and become a hippy. However, she is willing to try about anything to get her mom to loosen up, even play matchmaker. Maybe if her mother had her own love life, she’d quit trying to put Sylvia’s under a microscope.

But will it all blow up in her face?

Seth Matthews thought he’d said goodbye to Kokomo until an on-the-job injury with the FBI changed his plans. This town holds more than his family, and those memories had better stay buried for all concerned. But how was he to put his honed instincts on the back burner and stop safeguarding the ones closest to him?

He was willing to help his family with almost anything. But pretending interest in some woman to help with his nephew’s romantic endeavors? That was one thing he couldn’t see himself doing.

Until he realizes there was more than coincidence at play.

Forget about Women’s Lib. Return to 1972 Kokomo, Indiana for the second installment of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series—Sylvia’s Mother—and the fight for personal independence. Join Sylvia, her mother, Eileen, and the kooky mix ups that all point to romance in this small town romp. If you enjoyed the Weather Girls and Judy in Disguise, then this book is a must read.

You will love Sylvia’s Mother, inspired by the pop 1960s song by Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, because everyone dreams of a second chance with a first love.

Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Source: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Leslie’s Review: 5 Stars/A Favorite of 2023

I love it when I find a new-to-me author and that he or she writes a book that is outside of the norm from what I usually read. My latest new-to-me author is Jennifer Lynn Cary and her latest release, Sylvia’s Mother, is an excellent and much needed read that I needed to read. Sylvia’s Mother is the second book in Ms. Cary’s The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series. Set in the 1970s, Sylvia’s Mother tells the story of Sylvia Avery and her mother, Eileen. Sylvia has always believed that her mother has been super strict, despite being really nice to everyone else. When Eileen catches Sylvia with a boy, secrets come to light that threaten to unravel an already fragile mother-daughter relationship.

When I came across Jennifer Lynn Cary’s work, it was a much needed answer to prayer. I was desperate to find something different to read–something in a different time period than my usual reads and a new-to-me author. From page one, Sylvia’s Mother captivated and held my attention so much that I read it during the period of one weekend. I love how vivid Ms. Cary brought alive the 1970s to the reader. I love how real and relatable Sylvia and Eileen’s relationship is. I love how Ms. Cary wrote each of the main characters–Sylvia and her boyfriend, Luke, and Eileen, and her high school sweetheart, Seth–and how all four perspectives are shown so that reader could get a well-rounded view of what is going in the story. I love that the characters lives were not sugarcoated and that their issues weren’t wrapped up in a bow, but worked through over time (sometimes years in the book). Sylvia and Eileen’s relationship is realistic. I love how Sylvia’s Mother shows that some decisions made in the past effect future generations and that it’s up to those future generations to break the things that have bound families in the past. I appreciated Eileen’s growth as a person, as a mother, and most importantly as a Child of God. I love how mature Sylvia is in the book and, that, by God’s Grace, despite what was thrown at her in the book, she chose to keep her Faith and showed a poise and wisdom beyond her years. I love how everything wrapped up in the book the way it was meant to be–flaws and all.

Sylvia’s Mother of The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series will take you on a journey like no other and transporting you in the 1970s and showing you the lessons of God’s Redemption, overcoming major obstacles, and showing what it means to be a Child of God. If you are looking for another great read, I highly recommend Sylvia’s Mother by Jennifer Lynn Cary! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next in The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series and catching up on the other books Ms. Cary has written!

Have you read Sylvia’s Mother? What do you think of the book? Have you started The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series? What do you think of it so far?

I would like to thank Jennifer Lynn Cary for gifting me a copy of Sylvia’s Mother to review and for letting me be a part of her Launch Team. I really do appreciate Ms. Cary taking a chance on me as a relatively new blogger in the book review world and for the help she gave in compiling information for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Learn More About:

Jennifer Lynn Cary

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary

Historical Christian Romance author Jennifer Lynn Cary likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty-plus years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude JournalSylvia’s Mother is the second book of her spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.

website: https://www.jenniferlynncary.com  

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1030580.Jennifer_Lynn_Cary

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-lynn-cary

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferlynncary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenny.cary_author

Image Curtesy of Jennifer Lynn Cary